According to a number of credible studies, a Child’s first two years are critical for the development of their brain and language. The child’s life experiences, during this period play a fundamental role in “hardwiring” the brain and in laying the foundation for all intellectual and emotional development that is to follow.
From the time of their birth, children are busy, active learners and they can immediately investigate the sights, sounds and the feel of the world. Children explore the world with their senses when they develop motor skills, long before they even understand the concepts like, “under” or “far” with their minds. Before they even know these concepts, their bodies learn to navigate the ups and downs, over and under in the physical world.
At this Playschool Program by SIS, our teachers take the children through a journey of singing, dancing, body movements and play. These themes help in the development of the Child’s cognitive functions, grasping power, motor and social skills and also helps build his confidence and self-esteem.